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until 30 Sep 2019

Links to helmet information
HPA statement on helmets (18 May 2018) following Adolfo Cambiaso's initial refusal to wear an HPA approved helmet in the Prince of Wales Cup 2018
Safer Helmets in Polo (Facebook page):
Article in the Telegraph (11 Sep 2014) - Polo players can no longer 'put vanity over safety' as top club Guards becomes first to enforce ruling
Helmet testing (ASTM)
USPA on safety
The Aug 2015 issue of Polo Times carried several articles on helmet safety:
including a comparison of three certified polo helmets, as well as an article about Robin Spicer's efforts to create an intelligent polo helmet (which even looks the part). The articles can be found on pages 27-33 in the publication below (opens in a new window).
More about Robin's new polo helmet and his findings from his research into helmet protection can be found here:
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