until 30 Sep 2019

Pro players using Ainsley polo saddles

Tom Morley
5 goals
Plays in the MVP
Nina Clarkin (4/10), UK and NZ - Ainsley Clarkin saddles
"The saddles fit my ponies perfectly and I really like how they position me where I need to be"
Tom Morley (5), UK - Ainsley Original Roughout saddles
"Ross's saddles are durable, well made, fit my horses and give me a secure and athletic seat in all situations"
Glen Gilmore (7), Ellerston polo manager, former Australia team captain - Ainsley Super Light saddles
"The saddles are the most comfortable saddles I have ever used"
Chris Kiesel (2), Polo manager at Polo Bern - Ainsley Original Roughout saddles
"I really like the saddle! I like the grip and the position it gives you on the horse and think it helps to ride the ponies the way I understand a polo pony to be ridden!"
Ruki Baillieu (8), Australia and UK - Ainsley Super Light saddles
"Ross' saddles position me better and allow me to pivot into the perfect hitting position much quicker than other saddles"
Doug Blumenthal (2), Indio, CA, USA - Ainsley Original Roughout saddles
"They are durable, well constructed, and great value for the quality!"
Tim Ward (4), Hamburg, Germany - Ainsley Clarkin saddles
"Definitely the best saddles I have ridden with. Excellent for the horses and provides amazing grip to play all the shots!"
Brendon Stenzel (3), Dallas (TX) & Wellington (FL), USA - Ainsley Clarkin saddles
"The Ainsley Polo tack is great, I absolutely love it! The saddle took some getting used to, but the more I use it, the more I like it!”.
Mike Azzaro (6 - formerly 10), San Antonio (TX) & Wellington (FL), USA - MVP saddles
"I have played in English made saddles my entire career - the MVP saddles are the best by far!”