until 30 Sep 2019

Polo books and DVDs from Amazon
We wish to help you find the books that will help you improve your polo, develop the physique required to play, and to "speak" polo. The titles below are available from different Amazon sites, but not necessarily all of them.
Amazon.com has by far the largest selection including some quirky titles and a range of titles on the history of polo, but some titles are only available in Germany or the UK.
Below, we have selected some of the best titles and indicate where they are available. Just click the Amazon logo for the Amazon store you wish to visit. Bear in mind that you can use your Amazon account details in any Amazon shop.

Playmaker Polo, written by Hugh Dawnay, provides both a wonderful introduction for newcomers to the game of polo and an in-depth guide to revision for those who wish to maintain or improve a level already achieved
Rege Ludwig's knack for details, his unique training style and his 40 years of experience as an instructor and high goal coach combined with spectacular photographs and brilliant artwork by the horse artist Jean Abernethy make this book a must for players of any level.
This is a beautiful and helpful book, written in both French and English, by Stephane Macaire It covers everything from the equipment needed to the rules for the game. It is for the novice and the experienced player.
This book is an authentically inspired conversation about how to become a better Polo Player, written by one of the most famous female polo players in the world Sunny Hale. It is straight forward, to the point and easy to read.
An HPA approved production presented by Claire Tomlinson, the highest handicapped female player in the world and respected HPA coach, David Morley. The DVD covers hitting, riding and the game itself.
A German language polo book written by Inge Schwenger,covering a wide range of topics for both beginners and more seasoned players. Finally a polo book that also addresses tacking up.
An excellent book, well illustrated, written by Till Schulz-Robinson, with foreword by Thomas Winter. Shows the reader both how to prepare for the polo season as well as how to maintain fitness throught the season. A key ingredient to success on the field.
Understanding how your body works is the first step to improving performance. Kickstart your fitness regime specifically designed for polo with this helpful guide designed by physical coach for polo players and founder of Fitness for Polo, Martin Perez