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Polo Library - books and magazines

Polo  books and DVDs from Amazon


While most of us undoubtedly prefer to hone our skills in the saddle, practicing with other polo affcionados, a number of books and DVDs are available, which may get you through the off-season, helping you with tips on how to  fine tune your riding, hitting or game tactics.  Some of these titles will help you improve your polo, show you how to get into and maintain physical form for polo, or, as is the case with "Argentinean Polo Phrase Book and Words", help you "speak" polo.


We have selected some of the best books and DVDs availabe on Amazon, and hope you will enjoy them as much as we do (click any image to order from Amazon).

Playmaker Polo by Hugh Dawney
Polo for the 21st century by Rege Ludwig
Polo: hitting the ball with power and accuracy by Rege Ludwig
Polo Technique by Stephane Macaire
Let's talk polo by Sunny Hale
Polo improving your game
Let's polo by Inge Schwenger, Urs Kuckertz and Sean Dayus
Argentine polo phrase book and words by Ramon Columba
Polofitness by Till Schulz-Robinson
Fitness for polo 1 by Martin Perez
Fitness for polo 2 by Martin Perez


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