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Black webbing girth in Ainsley design with equalizers on both sides, allowing the girth to be tightened to the perfect amount and never overtightened. The girth is soft and pliable and allows the horse's elbows free movement both backwards and forwards. This girth has a neoprene sleeve, providing a cushion between the girth and the horse's skin.


The Double D rings have been re-designed to ensure that they do not twist (a common problem on equalizer girths)

In addition, the Ainsley polo girth has surcingle keepers to keep the surcingle in place. The surcingle will therefore not slip behind the girth or become lose. In the correct position, the surcingle can also not be overtightened.

Ainsley girth, equalizers, neoprene sleeve and surcingle keepers

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    Black webbing girth with equalizers on both sides. It has a neoprene sleeve and surcingle keepers. The Double D rings have been re-designed to ensure that they do not twist (a common problem on equalizer girths)


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